Write A Sacred Love Note To Yourself

Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
12 min readJul 13, 2022


The idea of Love Notes written ~ and then read ~ spoken silently or aloud are the real ways in which you receive divine communication. It is how you experience loving-kindness. It is what you need to feel reassured, cared for, loved unconditionally, supported, and it is the guidance that you need in all moments.

Read on, or listen to the accompanying podcast episode:

Love notes are to remind you of the words that you can choose to live by. They are the wisdom that upholds and supports you ~ that mesmerizes with the sacred honesty that you need to live ~ and the reassurance that you are more than enough as you already are.

Right now more than at any other time in the history of our lives, we need to make the right choices based on the wisdom of our highest self ~ and with this ~ to be reminded of what is our right choice and the positive actions that will allow us to thrive. For this it is important to know how to access this inner truth and to do so often.

The practice for opening yourself to this divine communication is what I call ‘Love Notes to Yourself’ because they are the words and messages of wisdom and guidance that remind you that you are never alone ~ and that you can always access your inner wisdom for answers, ‘right’ guidance, and the truth that will help you.

Communicating with your highest self (or whatever words you associate with this most reverent and pure and eternal state of consciousness) is how you (how each one of us) may live more confidently.

It is how you may know yourself more completely and to experience self-love as a natural and ongoing state of being.

If you want to feel self-love, if you want to know what this experience truly is ~ open your heart to the love that exists for you ~ from the eternal source of love.

The idea and practice of writing love notes from your highest self to your present moment self is an ever conscious and life affirming space for you to receive what reassurance, wisdom, kindness, encouragement and the practice of what will be a way for you to receive precisely what you need.

Let’s do a deep dive into how to write a love note to yourself…

Join me for a deep dive into how to write a love note to yourself ~ to have the most incredible impact on your confidence and self-esteem and to remind you of all that you can be now.

As a practice, this is something that I have been doing inside of my morning journal writing.

I also return to my notebook and to this sacred dialogue at anytime throughout the day.

Your love notes become a practice of opening the communication you are capable of with the ever present and infinite wisdom of what is all-knowing.

The guidance you receive is a reminder of what is most important; what experiences you may seek and the greater lesson or teaching that is being offered to you.

Love notes are your active participation ~ of divine communication with your highest self. It’s a practice that you may nurture for the rest of your life. Whether you have already begun this, or if you are new to the idea, the practice of writing a love note from your highest self to you as your current self in this space and time — is an incredible and empowering reminder of your oneness with the god source.

*If you would like to experience this practice let me first share a simple tool for focusing your mind and opening your heart so that you may more easily access this divine wisdom at any time.

Love notes are meant to be enjoyed as a spiritual practice.

They can be what you write and then read as an aspect of your morning rituals that set you up for the beautiful experiences that you will live — for the entirety of this sacred moment and beyond.

You can call on this wisdom whenever you choose recognizing that is the most pure and deepest form of communication with your highest self.

Some of my students have spoken about how these love notes are self-affirming; how they are similar to the words and messages of their loved ones.

Now this same message is what they experience in this direct communication from their highest self — affirming what they need to know and believe.

I see love notes from your highest self being so accurately descriptive of the wisdom that you need to know and receive right now — in this very moment ~ and as a practice you hone through your willingness to return to the present whenever you feel off-centre, unbalanced, anxious, uncertain, and as you need to rely on true wisdom rather than to analyze, burying yourself in the constant dialogue of thoughts and the ego that lives there.

There is only one rule when writing a love note to yourself…

and I call it ‘a love note’ because it is divine communication and therefore it is sacred and of love and for your highest good ~ and towards all that you seek and desire.

Your ‘love note’ must contemplate the infinite.

What this means is that you must allow the wisdom you seek, in ~ to receive it from that wiser all-knowing part of you and not from the thoughts of your mind.

This is a different form of communication and therefore why I will suggest that you first and for a few minutes, bring your attention into the present moment. Be guided inward by your breath ~ and to the practice of existing in the space and time of now.

It is from here that you begin to relax into your heart centre and begin to feel the connection with this energy.

Love notes are to remind you of the words and actions that you can live by ~ that allow you to feel inspiration and the certainty that is felt when you know something to be true and perfectly aligned with what you need in this moment.

Love notes to yourself allow for your spirit to soar ~ the inner voice of your soul’s wisdom ~ that gently mesmerizes with the sacred honesty that you need to acknowledge and the reassurance that you are more than enough as you already are.

My morning journal writing includes the frequent addition of love notes ~ written to myself for myself.

These are words of encouragement, of truth, of foreshadowing as inspiration and pure choice. I see it as direct communication ~ of wisdom from my highest self that I lovingly receive as pure ‘awakened’ consciousness.

As a practice, love notes are a way for you to integrate the teachings of the divine instantly ~ and to reaffirm the parts of you that need this love ~ for whatever wisdom and guidance your highest self shall offer, trust that it is precisely what real and inspired truth you need of this moment.

I’m going to take you through a short practice to help you prepare for opening this divine communication. Your love notes are experienced through your heart. The intention of which is to access your highest self ~ and to allow this communication to be witnessed through your writing.

If you are self-critical or if you are struggling with unwanted and/or unpleasant emotions, use this time that you are dedicating to this practice to first help yourself become calm; calm to the busy thoughts and the ceaseless dialogue of the mind, calm in your body through stillness and an alert and awake posture, and calmness as you experience your breath as the one source of focus ~ for you to ease yourself into the present where there are no thoughts ~ you are simply here and of this moment.

The practice at first, may be a quietening of the mind and a stilling of the body ~ and then the intentional decision to release unwanted emotions and thoughts as you continue to hold your attention in the present.

This can take a few minutes or several.

It is a practice that you will want to begin with as you witness your attention drop into your heart centre from your mind ~ and to hold the focus here as you feel the connection with your heart centre and to notice how this feels.

Consider your heart centre as the area in which you focus upon. Your intention is to allow for the guidance and wisdom of your highest self to be received in your conscious state.

As you begin this practice, it may be helpful to close your eyes.

You can also place your focus on another area of your body and where you would instinctively sense and feel the wisdom of your highest self.

Would you receive this as communication felt and expressed through your heart energy or through your third eye, or perhaps through your crown chakra at the top of your head?

For where you have placed your attention unto the area in which you will receive this divine communication, notice the energy that begins to build here. Let your breath be natural and easy. You can attend to your breathing ~ to witness your breathing as a part of your experience.

Breath, in the moments when you do not attend to it, is still occurring ~ it is an ongoing experience and a part of you even when you do not pay attention to it.

In the sameway, your highest self and the inner wisdom that you receive experienced as intuition or a sixth sense is always flowing through you — always a part of you.

As you practice the experience of connecting with this beautiful wisdom, you become aware of it in the present moment and it becomes an open communication that you are now aware of with this most pure and infinitely wise part of you.

Take your time here. Feel the expression of the energy of the divine as a part of you. Allow this energy connection to build for a little while, as you notice what you feel.

Next I would ask that as you hold this connection with this loving energy, open your eyes and draw a heading in your notebook: Love Notes to Myself.

Begin to write the love note from your highest self to you. You in this present moment.

Receive what guidance and wisdom and love you need.

Continue to feel the connection as you write.

Trust in this wisdom as what you need in and of this moment.

Allow your heart and your mind to be open to what you receive.

Write your love note to yourself.

Your love notes will feel genuine. As you hold the intention to experience a connection with your highest self, you will feel this.

You can also invite your highest self to speak to you as you begin to write.

In this love note you feel the words and messages flow through you not from your analytical mind, rather as a deep knowing and a pure and infinite wisdom.

You write a love letter ~ with your heart open to receive. It is not a ‘thinking’ exercise rather an experience that further opens your heart ~ that allows you to feel great love and appreciation for yourself, and to acknowledge the words that you are now capturing with pen and paper ~ as comforting, wise, pure knowing, and of the reassurance that you need for everything more that you seek.

Does your love letter sound like this? It could….

“I love you. You are incredible. You are beautiful beyond what you even know. Your beauty is eternal. Your love is infinite when you love without conditions ~ with only the goodness of your earth to be felt. You foster the love of your life journey. Everything begins with you.”

Your love notes to yourself can be brief — a sentence or two, sometimes you will write the words that you need to hear, that you need to live by and remember and that help reset your path and your course to what is truly wanted.

Love notes directed to yourself provide hope and the certain confidence of what you yearn for. This is often felt as encouragement, support, reassurance.

At other times the words ‘I love you’ and your name spoken aloud is enough.

The final step is to read your love note aloud. Take in your words and this wisdom as significant ~ as specifically for you.

I’m going to ask that you consider a 30 day challenge ~ to hone this ever so beautiful and valuable skill ~ and to write a love note to yourself each day for 30 days ~ and to share with me what this experience gave you!

It is one certain way that you develop this sacred practice as something that you do for yourself and that you have the ability to access whenever you need it.

What would a daily expression of unconditional love directed unto yourself teach you ~ about your ability ~ to love the one person that you need to love the most?

Why is this perhaps one of the greatest teaching and healing practices you could ever do?

You may be encouraged to know that the input you expend is a direct correlation to what effects you feel.

You only have to write a love note once to realize the value of your words as given by your highest self ~ received and written for you ~ to open your heart to these love notes ~ to believe in the truth that this wisdom holds.

Your heart open to the most beautiful words of inclusion, guidance, self-acceptance, self-approval, encouragement ~ and the reminders that you need to know that arrive from this highest source of wisdom ~ and of you.

Love notes are acts of godly wisdom.

They are the outpouring of truth that lives in and of your heart and for the purpose of love unto yourself as you need this now ~ as you need love often, and as love flourishes within you.

When you begin the practice of connecting with your highest self and to receive the wisdom that from this beautiful source, you feel the effects of this love and encouragement.

Receive these words and messages. Take them in.

Allow them to guide your actions and inspire the choices you make today and each day for the rest of your life.

Allow yourself to be open to receive all of the love that is here and made possible for you. Love notes are your passage into the divine.

Love notes are the expression of your highest self in appreciation of you.”

Love notes are a way to experience self-love, self-care and the willingness to show up ~ to offer guidance and love to the present day version of you and also to your younger self.

It’s an incredible practice to build kindness and self-respect that you may otherwise not feel. Love notes to the self also teach the skills of intuitive wisdom ~ of trusting yourself to give you what guidance and inspiration you need and for learning how to do this for yourself.

All the while, you open up to receive the divine. Your highest self is your connection with the god source.

Your love notes to yourself is the practice of listening within to this voice and to the careful direction and promise of what is here for you.

I do hope that you build this sacred practice into your life. 💜

Thank you for reading. For more wisdom and wellness be sure to follow me on medium.

For weekly wisdom, love and other exclusive content subscribe to my Wisdom Notes here.


Dorothy Zennuriye Juno is a registered psychotherapist in private practice. She is host of The WISDOM podcast and The WISDOM BLOG.



Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Dorothy Zennuriye Juno

Written by Dorothy Zennuriye Juno

A Registered Psychotherapist specialized in blending the practical successes of Cognitive Therapy with the enlightened principles of conscious spirituality.

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