The Intuition You Seek Is Right Here

Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
11 min readFeb 21, 2022


This is an adaptation of an episode of The Wisdom Podcast

Listen to the accompanying episode here:

Would you like to be better at receiving intuition?

This article is for you if you have been yearning to grow your intuition, to rely on it more than you ever have, to feel confident in the information that you receive, and to know that your intuition is 100 percent accurate.

Can you rely on your inner wisdom to guide you?

Is intuition both a practical skill and a spiritual one?

What are your goals for making your intuition more effective?

The skill sets that I share here will help you become better at interpreting the messages and information that you receive and of course, how to hone your intuition — to have it work for you — and to be able to access it at any time and all of the time.

develop your ability to access your intuition. live with your heart open, unencumbered by the thoughts of the mind ~D.

How Do You Receive Your Intuitive Wisdom?

You receive intuition in various forms such as the words that you hear in your mind that are not of your thinking brain, and the knowingness and perceptions that emanate from within — and of your heart — nudging, encouraging, helping — all of which guide your path.

What intuition do you already receive and how are you aware of it?

Is there a dominant or typical way that your intuition reveals itself?

Intuition is a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something often without proof or evidence. It is the experience of guidance in the form of ideas, musings, and wisdom.

It’s often described as a feeling or inclination that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why.

Here, we’ll dive into the practical and also spiritual secrets of how to receive intuition. These are simple and straightforward because intuition is already a part of your life. It’s about knowing how to become better at opening yourself to it.

We’ll discuss what you need to be able to experience your intuition readily and I’ll also guide you in a meditation experience (you can read it a little further below) in which I share two of the most helpful ways to practice setting the environment as well as holding the space within, for how you can be receptive to your intuition — naturally.

We begin with the idea of intuition as a state of flow.

To be in flow is to remain open to receiving your intuition — your inner wisdom; and to check in often as you follow the course of your day, and as you make the space and time for moments in which you stop and simply witness; perhaps with a few deep breaths to return to the present; to be silent — to witness.

A state of flow is best experienced as living awake, aware and alert in each present moment to ‘what is.’

Deliberate breaths are your path to witnessing the present moment. In the present there is no need to ‘do’ anything.

Your attention to your breath helps ground you in the here and now; to witness what it means to exist and to hold the space for the flow of life — always and forever — right here and in each moment.

Mindfulness and conscious awareness are two related skills that allow you to experience the present moment and to live in the dignity of this. In mindfulness you observe and witness ‘what is’ with interest and a curious nature and the absence of all thought.

In conscious awareness — the mind not needed to analyze and process information leaves you available for what shows up and what continues to unfold before you, your senses acutely aware of receiving and for as long as you continue to enjoy each present moment — one and the next.

It’s like you have created the space in which for intuitive awareness and hence — the connection that you hold with the divine. This is also what is called pure consciousness and flow.

Your intuitive wisdom is already flowing through you. Consider that intuition as consciousness is always a part of you.

We typically dial down our experience of being aware and sensitive to what we feel because our focus is typically of the thoughts of the mind and our learned behaviour of constant inner dialogue and the day-to-day tasks of the physical world. These include the countless, ongoing bombardment of thought distractions that we are attentive to — many of which we go through the motions without full attention to our experience.

1. To witness your intuition, I suggest that you begin with a positive state of mind and body. This happens organically when you are in the natural state of flow whenever you are doing what you enjoy.

A positive mindset is the choice to hold gratitude as you seek and live positive action. In the present — there is never anxiety nor fear because you are simply existing in now. You are in the presence of each moment. Your attention is focused in the pure consciousness of now.

2. As you are witness to your experiences receptive and open, imagine yourself being one with your highest self — your inner wisdom.

You can connect with this sacred part of you whether in your heart centre, your third eye (the space between your physical eyes), and also as the energy you feel throughout your body. You can do this as you sit at your computer working, as you take a break to eat; as you hold the space for contemplating what will be next.

With every breath you breathe, you are also receiving life force energy. Life force energy is the essence of life that flows through all living things. It can be measured in humans’ and animals’ overall vitality through their heart beat, brain waves, blood circulation, and breath.

Prana can be translated from Sanskrit as “life force energy,” “vital energy,” “breath of life,” “spirit-energy,” or “vital principle.” This term is used in yogic teachings as a general reference to the manifest energy of the entire universe.

This original creative power is constantly flowing around us and inside of us.

The breath is considered to be the most subtle form of prana in our bodies, thus it is most often described in yoga’s breathing exercises. Prana forms the energy of our consciousness, but it also is responsible for regulating all of our body’s physical functions.

This is what connects you with the infinite wisdom of the universe. Life force energy is always a part of you — always in flow through you — with you — of you. It is with breath that we breathe in this primordial life force and with it — a reminder of the essence of the god source — that is you.

It is knowing something even when you don’t always have the factual proof for how you know it; yet you feel a strong and confident resonance with what you know. This could be sensing something about a person. It could be a person you know well, it could be someone you’ve just met. Your intuition, your inner wisdom acts as a GPS that directs you to precisely what you need to know.

Remember that intuition is always already possible. You already receive hunches, impressions and feelings about people and situations that exist as states of awareness and knowing.

You can also practice honing intuition for what you need in any given moment by asking questions of what you want answers for.

3. When you ask and then remain open, your openness without expectation or attachment to what the answer should be, allows you to witness what guidance, information, help, and wisdom you need.

When I am working with a client who wants to develop their intuition, I always encourage them to ask and then to remain open and neutral to what they receive. Sometimes in our anticipation of receiving an answer, we can interrupt or influence the information we receive by our cognitive input of what we want the answer to be.

In these moments when you need greater objectivity, it’s best to ask and then relax into the moments that follow. Relax and release into the space of now and as you continue to hold presence to ensure that there is no attachment to the outcome. The answer will reveal itself.

You can get up from your meditation cushion and carry on with what you intend to do next or if you are in nature, continue to witness everything in your senses.

You don’t need to fixate on waiting for an answer. The guidance and the wisdom will find you when you are open; open to the vast and infinite presence of this moment and the next; and the next.

It’s also helpful if you ask direct questions — specific questions — and to be comfortable with asking in different ways — all towards giving you specific answers.

I recently came across several notebooks from years earlier in which I was using an intuitive guided exercise for developing my intuition. The information I received was more general and as I read my questions I could see that I might have been more specific about what guidance I was looking for.

It’s as simple as just that. Ask a question and then allow for your intuitive wisdom to answer.

It’s a very concise and sacred exercise because you need to hold the space during which time you are not going to be distracted by your thoughts of what is wanted or what worries you may have been deliberating over.

You may meditate or pray for a time first to open your heart before you begin the exercise of writing. This action is a means of gaining further clarity for the questions that you ask and also the answers that you remain open to.

When you practice this way of communicating with your intuitive wisdom, it’s like working a muscle. The skill becomes stronger and you become better at it. You begin to experience the ways in which you best connect with your inner wisdom.

Eventually you won’t need to write your question or dilemma and what you are seeking guidance for, although this is always a valuable tool for the clarity it gives you and the attention to what you are specifically asking.

You will at some future point be able to walk around in your life taking gentle pauses to be in the pure moments of now and to ask quietly or aloud what you would like as intuitive guidance — almost like being in a dialogue — the dialogue is with your inner wisdom — your highest self.

You access the divine by remaining present and in the flow of life — always in motion. You act as an open conduit for your intuitive wisdom as you hold presence and with love and the generous nature of your heart open to receive.

Each one of us holds the sacred essence of the divine — of pure consciousness within our being.

As you sit in a comfortable posture; open yourself to the present in meditation, in mindfulness, in pure awareness and as you choose to witness these sacred moments of life — your heart open.

You become present to the divine — the life force energy — that is always flowing through you. You begin to recognize the soft and gentle presence of pure consciousness at once a part of you.

In the meditation (script) that follows, I guide you in the practice of witnessing the pure form of awareness in which you exist as your intuitive nature.

Join me for the experience of your intuition. It doesn’t require any previous practice of meditation to begin this journey, only the desire to wilfully open yourself to the experience.

Close your eyes. Guide your focus. Where is it inviting to hold awareness? Where is it inviting to hold the integrity of conscious thought and simultaneously to release all expectations?

Witness the constant flow of life’s pure moments — and the delivery of what messages and guidance you need.

For intuition and intuitive wisdom are one and the same.

Your heart must live open. In the wisdom of the divine, in the pure space and time reality of now, the wisdom you reach for is already here — already a part of you.

Think of a question that you feel as significant. As you open your mind and as you hold attention onto your heart, ask from this place. Ask a question aloud directed into your heart and then hold the space for what you receive.

Impressions rise up from within us all of the time. You have a sense to call someone, to complete a work project, to go outside for a time, to meditate….

Impressions and urgings are intuitive. They are present and you attend to them only as you are open and in awareness — awareness of presence, aware of the messages that are intended for you; aware so that you may follow through — that you may participate in the gentle dance of life occurring in each moment.

For whatever impression you receive, choose what you will ask next.

Ask specific questions of your heart and then hold the space open to receive.

Even if you would like a particular outcome, you must simply hold space for receiving truth and a clear mind. Your heart already knows what you desire.

Listen to your heart rather than your mind.

Another way to practice the power of intuition is in written form. Carefully craft your questions and as you do, focus your energy on what you need. Then, and sometimes even before you finish writing — your answer from the nonphysical flows through you as knowing.

This is captured in the words or drawings that you receive and write.

As you engage in more of what will be the continued flow of information and intuition, you may want to clarify with further questions and to hold yourself present to what forms and mediums from which you receive your messages.

Sometimes these will be words you hear gently, lovingly whispered inside your mind. It may be senses the answers as an intuitive feeling. It could be images that appear in your mind as you hold your eyes open or closed. It may also be the experience of reading words as they are formed across your mind.

As you begin to recognize your sacred intuition as inner wisdom, practice receiving in all places and in all moments. You open the sacred dialogue and you may always live here — in the balance between both worlds; in both the world of the physical and nonphysical simultaneously — and by deliberate choice.

Open your eyes when you are ready. Your sacred presence of intuition is meant to be experienced often.

I encourage you to carve out the same time each day as you continue to develop this skill — and the ability to open your heart at will because this is the most important decision that will bring forward all that is needed.

“All that lives as grace is already a part of you. Now to witness it in the pure moments of eternity — of life.”

If you enjoyed this article and the guidance of meditation to discover more of how you can bring the sacred into the realm of the physical in more moments of your life, I encourage you to take my 10 day audio course: The 10 Sacred Habits of Meditation.

The 10 Sacred Habits of Meditation

You can also join me in an upcoming live Workshop:

The Sacred Practice of Meditation — where we explore in depth four sacred habits that - like intuition, will foster a deeper experience of meditation and the means by which you can witness the divine in you — and in all of life.



Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Dorothy Zennuriye Juno

Written by Dorothy Zennuriye Juno

A Registered Psychotherapist specialized in blending the practical successes of Cognitive Therapy with the enlightened principles of conscious spirituality.

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