How To Let Go Of Thoughts That Are Not Positive
How can you let go of unwanted thoughts that you make an effort to resist?
In meditation, we are taught to allow our thoughts presence but to not be distracted by them. Each time we become distracted, the solution is to return our point of focus unto our breath or another point of focus.
One question that many of us struggle with whether on our meditation cushion, or out in the world: How can I more easily let go of thoughts that are not positive?
“To notice one’s thoughts in daily life is an example of being mindful, self-aware and observant.”
When you notice thoughts that you are resisting; that are evasive and perhaps critical ~ notice if these are also thoughts that may require further exploration and contemplation.
Our instinct can be to avoid or disavow the thoughts that cause us discomfort; yet living awake and aware is the ability to be with the thoughts that are uncomfortable and to examine and reflect upon the reasons for why we feel the way we do, and in the absence of judgment.
This is how we learn more about our self ~ including our habits of thinking and what limiting beliefs we hold.
It is how we begin to change the patterns of repetitive ‘circling’ of negative and critical self-talk, or the avoidance and distraction of what we do not want to think about (and likely need to).
By simply telling yourself to think differently, or positively, is not actually the best way to release thoughts that are lingering; requiring your curious examination.
“You experience insight and the pure knowing that breeds confidence through introspection and self-understanding.” — Dorothy Ratusny
Your resistance to something is better utilized as a cue that you might lean into what is uncomfortable or unwanted; if only to examine how your thoughts cause you to feel, and then to decide how you want to feel.
If you resist a thought that is not positive, you will not stop it from resurfacing and from intruding in your mind.
Instead, challenge and change a thought based on what is true. This is how you release an unwanted thought, and any thought that causes your suffering.
Here is the protocol to change a thought and to release it as you turn your attention to what thoughts you wish to hold:
Write the thought that is not positive. Ask yourself, “Is this thought 100% true?” Allow your inner voice to answer with whole honesty.
You may also decide to answer this question with your heart wisdom. You can do this as you hold the thought in the space of your heart.
Allow your heart to guide you ~ to what is true ~ whether towards the best possible solution (for you and the situation) so that you may focus on co-creating this ideal outcome.
This is how you access your inner wisdom to release thoughts of the ego mind. When you live by what is true, you begin to resolve the reoccurring and undesirable thoughts that circle your mind.
Allow for the analysis of a thought that continues to surface and for which you may be tempted to resist.
Explore this thought with acceptance and openness ~ first to decide if it is indeed true and then, to find a new and more accurate thoughts (since most of the thoughts that cause us to suffer are not entirely true).
With this you have a strategy for choosing the thoughts you hold and of using your free will choice to honour your truth.
Choose How You Feel: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) ‘Best Practice’
For more guidance on how to challenge and change your unwanted thoughts and to choose how you want to feel, enjoy this ‘audio’. 🕉😊